Automated Chemical Cleaning Line for Aero Engines. Joint venture between P&W and Turkish Technic.
Aviation | Turkey, Istanbul | 2009
Automated Chemical Cleaning Line for Aero Engines.
The cleaning line and the waste water treatment plant were placed in the middle of the building, in the working area. Therefore, Galvatek’s Candovent™ ventilation system showed its advantages once again. No dangerous fumes were emitted into the working atmosphere. A smooth floor without any slope or pumping wells under the plant, meant we had to pay special attention to how we could avoid spillages or chemical drops. The waste water treatment plant is a recycling plant using the most modern evaporator techniques, where the contaminated rinse waters are purified and clean water is fed back to the cleaning line or used to produce distilled water.
Turkish Engine Center (TEC) is a joint venture between Pratt & Whitney and Turkish Technic.
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